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SKA Architect+Planner specializes in luxury residences and high quality architecture in and around Palm Beach. Our primary goals are to provide homes of aesthetic value, to create spaces of great character, and to deliver a passionately labored design. New construction includes...


  • Private Residences and Estates

  • Single and Multi-Family 

  • Townhouses

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As time passes, families become bigger, expansions of current residences are desired, new programatic functions are added, or changes in architectural style are visited. For whichever circumstance, we are honored to have clients, especially those whose dwellings we originally designed, entrust us with their new hopes for their homes. Whether renovating a property or adding on to the existing residence, we always strive to enhance the current conditions with the highest level of care and detail.

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Additions & Renovations





Special care is taken to preserve the architectural heritage of Palm Beach. We believe buildings of both historical significance and architectural beauty must be preserved for future generations to appreciate and enjoy. Not only are we mindful of said structures as precedent for design of appropriate architecture in our surroundings but we are also active participants in their restoration and preservation. 

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Historic Preservation


SKA Architect+Planner

Patrick W. Segraves

249 Peruvian Avenue, Suite F2 - Palm Beach, Florida, 33480 - Office: 561-655-1116



© 2015-2022 by Daniel Clavijo  -  SKA Architect+Planner.

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